Monday, March 10, 2008

My money's on March 20something

It's the time some of us have been waiting 30+ weeks for....time to guess exactly when this kid's coming! The "technical" due date began at April 3, then moved to April 10, but I've always called bull and thought deep in my heart that it could be sooner. In our hippie-birthing class, they encouraged us to talk about "birthing months" instead of due dates because kids come out when they're ready and it looks like SOMEONE (ahem...point at my belly...) is getting ready. The latest word on the street is that this baby is measuring TWO WEEKS ahead and in the words of babydoc, "the sooner, the better." So, it's anyone's guess as to when she starts wiggling outside instead of inside.

My dear readers, feel free to guess date, time and size and I'll see if I can come up with a prize. Hey, I'm a poet, and I didn't even realize it.

Here's a shot husband's cousin's husband (think about it) took for our AWESOME baby shower last weekend, in case staring at the baby's current home (my belly) may help you make a more accurate guess. And let's be honest, the red door is pretty cool. I should've pretended this pic was taken by my friend from the library, but I don't know if anyone would've believed me.


Anonymous said...

debbie downer is eating her words, because you have a smokin' hot bod.

hah, ok, just kidding, but you look great. based on your size, i'd say this baby will come sometime in july (since you are about half the size i was when i delivered). if not, i'll put my official guess (totally random) as march 27 at 11:37 p.m.; 7 pounds, 12 ounces; 20 inches long.

Anna said...

YOU. LOOK. GREAT!!! Hot momma!!
My guess..... March 23rd. Just because I like that day, and probably at some crazy early morning time, because I hear thats typical for baby delivery time.
good luck in the next few weeks!

gurrbonzo said...

Haha! In the interest of full disclosure, this picture was totally taken last month, so I am way frumpier now, and this is one of the only non-whale pics around, so it is a bit misleading when it comes to size.

KT said...

You look tiny still. I swear I'm already that big and I'm only 5 months. Can I give birth now? Let's trade.

Jen Ha said...

OMG Kathleen! This picture is BEAUTIFUL!! It looks like a magazine shot. Please tell me that you're going to blow it up and have it framed.

Anonymous said...

oh, and i almost forgot. i believe that my GEC honorable mention entitles me to a baby name suggestion. i have thought long and hard, and i have come up with one. it's a little old-fashioned, but i think it would be super cute! the name ... drumroll please ... Sherry.

Anonymous said...

March 28th at 7:23 pm - 8 1bs, 13. oz, 22 inches. And because I sit next to you, I can vouch for the fact that you are not "way frumpier now." She is still a hot mama.

Natalie said...

April 1, 2008 at 1:23 am. 8 lbs, 5 oz, 21 inches. I only picked April 1st because it is April Fools Day. That would be cool to be born on that day.

Linds said...

March 27th, 2:47 am 7 pounds 11 oz, 20 inches. All random guesses.

Supalinds said...

Gurr, that is a beautiful picture. BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Oh man, two weeks ahead. WOW. Let's see. I say you will give birth on March 29, 6:38 pm, 7 lbs 6oz 21 inches.

megandjon said...

I don't think I can make any guesses, but I do have to say, in true Debbie Downer fashion, that I've been measuring "2 weeks ahead" for the last 2 months. I've also had 2 additional ultrasounds because of it. I think doctors (and in my case, midwives) are a little silly and they need to stop freaking us out! hello, my husband is 6'5"! my baby is not 2 weeks ahead, he's just a big baby!

and also, all my five million cousins have had five million kids ranging from 8-10 pounds, NO PROBLEM. I don't think it's that big a deal!

ok, rant over. just trying to reassure you :)

Justin & Kamie said...

Beautiful pic. I love the light reflecting off your hair.

Ok, I guess March 25, 8:32 p.m. 7 pounds 2 oz.

p.s. as cute as erin g's recommendation of "Sherry" is....all I can think of when I hear that name is "Ya'll got any tampons?"

Anonymous said...

What? Your baby shower was last weekend? Please tell me that was a different shower.
Oh, and, uh, April 1st.

Megan said...

I say....April 5th, 6:01 pm, 8lb 2 oz, 21 in. I don't know anything about babies, so sorry if those numbers make your baby sound unusually small/large.

zacharoo said...

March 29th (my birthday) at 11:11... probably AM. I will give you a prize if you can make this happen. I will also let you name her Dukepoo.

zacharoo said...

I just realized that picture is of you. No wonder Andrew wants to have your babies.

Birdy said...

April 12, 5:30pm - going with the loving, old soul baby that understands Mommy needs a weekend, at least, before finals begins. 8lbs, 15 ounces; 21 inches.

Fun Fantastic Family said...

I suggest you take some castor oil at week 38 and then late fate run its course...

Ashley said...

Well, first of all, you look really hot preggo.

Second of all, I think she will come April 1st, because you would think it was a trick at first, but then it would be really and you would laugh it a lot.

I think she will be 7 lbs 8 oz.

Ashley said...

How about 21 inches long. Is that a tall baby?

cretetiger said...

I'm no baby expert, but the last 2 baby pools I entered, I all but caught the baby on the way out...
Pridefulness aside, I'll say March 25 at 10:50 pm weighing in at an even 9 lbs and 20 inches. My fall back options, if I was still a betting man, include April 1 @ 4:20 am 8 lbs, 9 oz @ 22 inches (you're both rather tall) and long shot of April 12th @ 3:15pm 8 lbs 6 oz @ 19 inches.
Okay so it's three guesses, but I'm covering the bases here!