Wednesday, October 27, 2010

also, I'd like some fruit snacks

  • There is nothing quite like a marathon stake youth activity (service project AND dinner AND games AND dance, plus an hour of travel time each way) to make you (a) glad you work with such sweet and delightful teen girls and (b) glad you are NO LONGER a teen girl.  Holy.  Cow.  The awkwardness.  The eyeliner.  THE BODY SPRAY.  
  • Is it really the last season of Friday Night Lights?  I may cry.  
  • What IS it about the gym and bad TV?  For reasons I'll never understand, gym TV is the best place to find random crap you'd never stumble into otherwise.  For example, Real Housewives.  So terrifying, so wonderful, so absurd, and so ubiquitous, because it doesn't matter what day or what time I go to the gym, they are there waiting.  IT'S LIKE THEY KNOW WHEN I AM GOING AND ARRANGE IT TO BE THERE.  So, that's why this article discussion Real Housewives and zombies made me laugh and laugh.
  • You know how you become stuff you used to hate, and don't even realize it?  Well.  Yeah.  I think it's weird how childless people complain about things people with kids do, then they themselves reproduce and WHAMMO it's a steady stream of all the stuff they used to hate, all the time.  Is there no self-awareness in this picture?  I get that things change.  And I love my kids and yap about them all the time.  Nonetheless, if you say, "Pregnant women are smug and can't shut up about it," and then the moment YOU get pregnant, you start giving DAILY fetus updates on facebook ("only 67 more days!  CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?"), it's weird.  Kind of like single people who hate PDA and gripe about how cheesy and smug married couples are, then, wham, they are suddenly blogging about 3-monthiversary scavenger hunts and nicknames.  What I'm saying here is that I find our total lack of self-awareness as humans fascinating and bizarre.  (I know I am not exempt from these phenomena.  That does not detract from the weirdness.) 
  • I am at a life stage in which it seems hard to make hangout friends that don't make you want to poke your eyes out.  Can I get an amen?  
  • My mom and step-dad came into town a few weeks ago and helped us re-tile our whole freaking bathroom.  Is that true love or what??  There is something really awesome about people who will fly in for a long weekend, tear a wall down, put it back up and cut a bunch of tile and watch your kids and go home exhausted.  It was a whirlwind but it was really awesome to (a) have them visit and (b) have our bathroom back in business (after a minor mishap many moons ago) and now...drumroll....last week brought a beautiful milestone to the gurrbonzo household: our bathroom is officially duct-tape free.


Sara said...

I just want the record to show that I have not and will not become one of "those" people. You know, the ones I make fun of. And complain about. Mainly because I hate cats and will never get one.

p.s. LOVED the pregnant women are so smug video. LOVED IT.

Ru said...

Amen! To both the hangout friends AND having a duct-tape free bathroom.

You have just motivated me to to go back to the gym so I can have an excuse to watch "16 and Pregnant" without shame. Well done, madam.

Liz said...

Amen! What I don't understand is WHY it is so difficult to find good hangout friends. And why is it that I would much rather hang out with my single friends than the married ones?

Andrea said...

This was funny to me on multiple levels- first "THE BODY SPRAY." Those three words just about encapsulated the female teenage existence. Second, I find myself getting annoyed with people in church all the time. Just shut the kid up! Take them out! Don't let your kid play games on your iPhone! Why do you need to bring the entire contents of your toy chest to entertain your kids? The list continues. I only know that sooner or later I'm going to have my own hellion reek havoc in Sacrament Meeting. Then I'll have mine. Next, I would have to say that hang out friends on a whole are overrated. A lastly, congratulations on a now duct tape free bathroom.

Colt said...

I have great hang out friends, but it took more work to find them than you would have thought. My secret? Being rad.

heidikins said...

I have had duct tape in my bathroom since I moved in, 4 years ago. I'm sure this says something about me as a person, but I don't much care. ;)


Madame Palmkey said...

Amen on the no hang out friends. Why must all friendships now be tandem? I cannot hang out with a woman unless her husband shares my husband's interests?

Just SO said...

The shows on when I've gone to work out have all been cooking shows. What's up with that??

And I worry that I'm one of the hangout friends that make people want to poke their eyes out.

Also I've tried really hard to be self aware but I think I fail miserably. And yes, it is weird.

Lost in Translation said...

The "Pregnant Women are Smug" video is genius. I can't believe I haven't seen it before now. That describes half of my ward. *sigh*

You aren't one of THOSE people. You are awesome!

Jordan and Jandee said...

Body Spray! Yowzers, things really aren't like they used to be -- are we talking Mystic Tan body spray? Glitter Body spray? Are they all secretly aspiring ballroom dancers?