...last year I rocked my two goals. Do you remember what they were? I do!
(1) Give birth
(2) use only reusable grocery bags.
First one? Check! I have an adorable 11.5 month old kid and a supersized bum to prove it. Second one? Semi-check! Meaning, I brought and used reusable bags more than I didn't, which I consider not bad at all. Basically, high five, self!
Want to hear my latest goals? Oh, good! There are two.
(1) Don't buy anything until March 1 (besides food and toiletries). GAA! Can I do it? Well, of course I can. And I'm hardly a shopaholic. But like most people, I just buy too much stuff for no reason. You know what? I have more than I need, end of story. And the time and energy that goes into the accumulation of STUFF is starting to gross me out. Is that hippie enough for you?? Booyah! But seriously, it is sort of freeing to just stop buying stuff, because it's like I stop seeing stuff or even entertaining the idea of buying stuff. (Let's see if I feel the same way in a few more weeks.) But this means I have more time and energy which I can devote to....
(2) Being generally more awesome. I should probably be more specific, right? Well, I don't really know what I mean, exactly. I'm just trying to do things like make my own fun. What bums me out? Do less of that! What makes me feel great and less self-absorbed and like a cool chica? Do more of that! In sum, my 2011 task is to be more proactive about doing things that help me like my life and myself. I don't know if there is a less Steve Covey word than "proactive" but hey.