Wednesday, March 04, 2009

In about two weeks... mood will have improved by about one billion mood-measuring units and then I'll see what I can do about blogging more than, oh, say, every other month. Want to know why? Bc in two weeks:
  • the MPRE will be over. Don't know what that is? Yeah, well, me neither, basically, but it's two days away so I better figure that out.
  • My substantial writing project will be close to done (fingers crossed). If any of you would like to do that for me, please feel free.
  • A little Miami law school adventure will be behind me!
  • I will have survived my first few nights away from our sweet kiddo. (I flip out when I think about it too long, so hurry, change the subject. I know she'll be fine; I'm not worried about her, I'm worried about ME.)
  • Husband will have survived HIS first few nights alone with our sweet kiddo.
  • And again, the little Miami law school adventure will be behind me! I'm spending a few days in sunny Florida for a nerdy glorified-debate law school competition, which in a week and a half will be over and I won't have to say another word about whether Congress has the power to end the war or whether legislation limiting troops numbers and imposing withdrawal deadlines infringes on the President's power as commander-in-chief. In some ways, I'll be glad, but in other ways, I'll miss it, bc this is my last chance to advocate for a fake person with fake problems and to be honest, I like it. I recently realized that people think law school is cool, but lawyers are gross. This means that I have just under two months to milk the law school status before I go from getting the "Oh, that sounds interesting!" response to "Ew, you're a slimeball."


Paul W. Nash said...

Hey - after getting the sneak peek to your upcoming performance, I'm sure you guys will be fabulous...just remember to end those sentences on a downswing...

Just SO said...

I will never think your a slime ball. Unless you become a defense attorney for a Charles Manson or OJ type person...then maybe a little.

Good luck on the nights away from the kiddo. Believe it or not there will come a time when you look forward to time away from the kids.

Liz'n'Steven said...

LOL! Kathleen, you'll be worried about the commander-in-chief power at least until April 4th, don't kid yourself!

Lisa R.D. said...

"mood-measuring units" makes me laugh, I think I could use a good dose of those. Good luck with all of this upcoming craziness!

Erin said...

that's funny, just the other day at lunch with some fellow associates and they were talking about how when you tell people you're in law school, they think it's cool; when you tell people you're a lawyer, it's a conversation killer.

mostly, i like telling doctors that i'm a lawyer and answering "medical malpractice" when they ask what type of law. though it's not true.

Sara said...

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who feels like these upcoming weeks are the devil. I've decided to skip two days of class and take an extended weekend trip to Ca. Good luck in Miami!