Friday, August 27, 2010

whew part A

I have so much to tell you!

It's old news now, but I shall still share part A (the bar exam) in bullet points, bc that's how I roll, er, type. Parts B and C involve our trip west and then some local shenanigans so please stand by.

The Bar Exam 2.0, or, If I Ever Want To Take Another Bar Exam, Please Kill Me.
  • The exam itself was tolerable. Could it have been worse? Yes. Could it have been better? Yes. Do I think I passed? Yes. But most people think they passed, and there are always people who don't, so, who knows? I hope I did, and I'll be sad and mad if I didn't, but I will survive, and I will let you know if it's good news, and if it's not, let's just all act natural.
  • Picture this: the exam site was 2 hours away...which is juuuuust long enough to be a big fat headache when you have a full day and a half of testing and a nursing baby. Soooo, yes, we took a family field trip and my dear, dear husband chased our girls around a large and unfamiliar city for two days. And if you imagine us all sleeping in a cozy hotel room that goes: wall/crib/bed/crib/wall, that's about right.
  • They forbid taking ANYTHING into the bar exam room except my plug, laptop, and ID. No wallet, no cell phone, no nothing. Luckily we've been practicing ESP so rather than getting stranded in an unfamiliar city making collect calls from a lice-ridden pay phone, I sent husband vibes when it was time to come get me and it worked.
  • I didn't study property. BOOYAH. Did you know that? Are you impressed with my bravery or shocked at my foolishness? They give you 15ish topics to know cold, and then a national testing group releases essay questions on 9 of those topics, and many states choose 6 of those. So there's lots you learn that you won't be tested on, and sometimes you just need to make those sorts of calls. During studying, I quickly realized it was going to take up three valuable days to learn property (a pretty specific, complicated, laden with terms-of-art topic) and the odds were pretty small I'd get an essay question on it. So, (vulgarity alert), I grew a pair, threw caution to the wind, said, "Nope," and just skipped it. Gutsy eh? Well, e-friends, I'm here to tell you, TO RISK IS TO LIVE, bc the gamble paid off and there was no property question! Is this 27 years of paying a full tithe? Perhaps. Bc that could have really been a dumb move. And if you are going to take the bar sometime soon, DO NOT FOLLOW MY EXAMPLE, because there WILL be property on the the multiple-choice portion, which I didn't have to take this year because I took it last year in another state. Got it? But still, phew.
  • Though I survived law school with nary a testing software problem, I spent a solid 15 minutes of the first 90 minute essay with a frozen screen and a busy proctor trying to fix it. I utilized my hypnobirthing breathing and remained relatively calm, but still, LAAAAAAME. Thank you, Hypno-Debbie (our initial hypnobirthing teacher from a few years ago).
This is the first sentence of the world's most hilarious cheese-riffic hypnobirthing cd, so say it in your highest, creepiest dreamlike voice:

"And now it's time to relax..."


Brooke said...

Way gutsy. And another reason you are my hero. I'm sure you passed! Can you teach me the ESP thing?

Marie Davies Howick said...

If you had a column, I would read it. Weekly... daily... hourly via twitter...

Anonymous said...

Actualy, I must disagree with you on one point. The rainbow relaxation lady's voice is not high. It's rather low and always reminds me of a female sportscaster.

Dorothy said...

I tried that whole bet thingy with Agency and Partnership and it didn't work. And I got a property question. I'm going to fail.

Ruth said...

You're awesome. Taking the bar for the second time was just pure misery. But thinking about doing it with a nursing baby hanging around, out there, somewhere hopefully near--that's beyond misery.
And so sad about your computer. :(

I like Dorothy (and unlike you) did not win the gamble. I was positive they'd have secured transactions instead of commercial paper; so positive I studied accordingly. Oh well, better luck next time.

Allison said...

warning: This comment is completely off-topic from this particular post.

I was directed to your blog long ago by my sister-in-law and have been hooked ever since. I know you're a busy woman, so I'll take your snark whenever I can get it.

Tonight I went through all of your posts again because I remembered reading about the glorious way you handled virtue for your standards workshop long ago. I'm teaching the YW lesson on the same topic tomorrow and can't thank you enough for posting all your thoughts (and basically your entire lesson plan). I appreciate the following you have on this blog, because a lot of the comments you got from your readers were valid and valuable as well, and you can bet your heiny I'll be using some of them tomorrow.

So again, thank you. :)