Friday, April 25, 2008



Finished my second year of law school yesterday! Baby and hub took a big fat field trip to the law school with me and it was intense but now it is over so let us give thanks. Cute hub was on thankless law school baby lockdown basically all day and for that I salute him. In the morning, I had a big meeting during which I frantically ran out twice to feed her bc the cries of a 9-day-old baby's hunger break me heart, and by afternoon I took a lame Wills & Estates final during which she shat all over hub's shirt, the changing pad, and a large portion of the study room. Haha! Your father and I think finals are shitty too, dear. We have a lot in common.

In the last 10 days I have pushed out 1 adorable baby, fed her 30,000 times, changed her 30,000 times, taken 2 big law exams, and now I am 2/3 of the way through with law school and don't plan on thinking about it again til August and just want to shake it like a polaroid picture, but that hurts, so I'll just treat myself to another load of laundry and maybe a shower. Woopwoop!


Kiersten White said...

If you can get a shower in with a ten-day old, you're doing great.


Anonymous said...


seriously, i don't know how you did that. i was soooo not coherent yet after 9 days. isn't it amazing how often they eat? and my baby was a slow eater. so i basically had about 30 minutes between feedings for the first while. ick.

now how about some more pictures??????

Fun Fantastic Family said...

Thats awesome she pooped all over andrew... its happened to me like four times (except one time i forgot to put the diaper on... pretty easy to avoid that)

Good luck!!!

Rach said...

I must say, NOW you are a Super MOM!! Can't believe you are in Law school and being a super cool mommy. Well you are lucky to have a great hubby and baby. She sounds divine.

Mrs. Clark said...

Congratulations! At ten days with a newborn, I was always soaked with something: urine, barf, poop, breast milk, or tears (both mine and baby's). I still think my babies' births were three of the best days of my life.

So tell Andrew that it's not going to be the last time he has to clean up a lot of poop--this is just one of the literal times.

Cari Clark

AlliSMiles said...

yeah. i thought i was stressed with finals. i nearly shat myself. especially when i read this post. this may be one of the funnies posts i have read. and yes, i blog-stalked you. sorry.

alli 1L-no-more-assuming-i-passed-all-my-finals shiozawa miles :)

zacharoo said...

You are on crack. I don't know how you do it.