Friday, December 12, 2008

shake it!

Just finished my last final and I'm high (on life)!! Time wise I'm 83% done with law school but credit-wise I'm 91% of the way done with law school and it feels pretty good and I just want to do this....remember this??:

Last time I had finals it was within a week of pushing out a baby so this time, I'm frazzled but not ablaze in private places, so that's a plus. Time for a vacation, and by vacation, I mean cuddle my cute kiddo all day every day and consume a lot of Cap'n Crunch. Feel free to e-high five me. Also, it's embarrassing how much Beyonce's latest album is spicing up my life. "PUT YOUR HANDS UP!"


Just SO said...

Heh. I've never seen that but I'm old.

I do remember being done with finals and that relief though. Enjoy cuddling with your kiddo and...

*high five*

Kiersten White said...

I am so glad your privates aren't burning this time around.

Go you!

Alicia Vial Beesley said...

So I have officially succeeded in finding more awesome blogs to waste my study time with. This post is amazing!!!

Lisa R.D. said...

Where do I find a blue sparkly belt like that? I must have one!!!

Anonymous said...

You rock! Please throw a dance party when you finish law school.

Erin said...

way to go!!! i'm very happy for you.

sometime when you are cuddling and eating cap'n crunch, email me and tell me how you are, how the semester went, what's up in your life, etc. ok?

Mrs. Clark said...

Congratulations! I, for one, certainly do not miss finals. by the time I was done, it always felt as though my brain had been pulled out through my nose, the way the Egyptians prepared mummies.

Mrs. B. Roth said...

Hi there, I just ran across your blog and I really liked your quotes on the side bar. Also, you may have inspired me to go to law school, once the kids are all in school. What can you do with a law degree besides be a lawyer?