Thursday, March 08, 2007

forget the comfort zone

In the last week I have been trying to spice up my life and do things that are scary. Three scary interviews, oral arguments, a hip hop class, and even doing an embarrassing hum-while-clicking variation of Take Me Out to the Ballgame for the law school talent show...and the moral of the story is that when you do scary things, you get cooler. Seriously. I mean, look how cool I am.


Jay said...

So... BYU Law has a talent show?

Finish this sentence:

BYU really is normal because...

gurrbonzo said...

Jay, Jay, Jay.

As you will find out soon enough, law school is like high school. Not just BYU, but in general. We regress socially as we advance academically. It is small so everyone knows each other, there are clubs, there are socials, there are glorified lockers and there are assembly-type activities such as talent shows and pizza parties while people do skits and yes even a prom. It's law school. Ask your lawyer buddies, and mark my words. While funny and bizarre, it is NOT unique to BYU.

Jay said...

Just let me know when Show and Tell is and I'll come watch

Supalinds said...

You are so damn bad you had to go and grow up :) ya!